miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

A Narural disaster


An event  happened in your country in the distant past e.g. fire, earthquake, flood etc. Write a short e mail to your best friend because you have not be in contact with him since you were in secundary school   Write: where, what happened in detail, what happened in the end.    


Write and write

Welcome to this blog.... enjoy the experince of writng 

just write for fun...

Write and write

Welcome to this blog.... enjoy the experince of writng 

just write for fun...

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

new knowledge

To create this blog we have learnt how to follow intructions and how to created an space in which we can express our ideas and how to personalized , add comment , although at the begining was difficult to created a blog , but it was interesting .